Virtual Patent Marking (US 专利)

The following products are protected by patents in the U.S.. This website is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions including the virtual patent marking provisions of the America Invents Act and provide notice under 35 U.S.C. §287 (a). The following list of products may be covered by one or more of the following U.S. 专利. 

描述 专利号 截止日期 澳门葡京赌场赢钱技巧/型号
单 阀 Bypass 米栏 Us 11215491 b2 6/1/40 尚未发布
伸缩式仪表法兰 Us 10851924 b2 12/25/38 7E4602, 7E4604 & 使用它们的setter
  Us 11421805 b2 12/1/37  
Height Adjustable Meter Pit Us 10914048 b2 11/28/38 L style adjustable 770 series (not all)
Compression Pipe 配件 with Wide Range Grip Rings Us 11635159 b2 4/20/38 管理员(-11)
  u 11015748 b2 4/20/38  
  Us 12078267 b2 4/20/38  
Pipe Coupling Fitting w/Internal Spacer Sleeve Us 10323777 b2 7/22/37 快速连接
Control Apparatus for a Water Powered 油池泵 Us 8920131 b2 3/25/35 卫报747 h
泵的控制和方法 Us 8920131 b2 1/31/32 17044 & 17060 series boosters (Dual mode)
Universal Coupling and Parts Us 9383049 b2 5/2/31 剑桥耦合
  Us 2012/0280486 a1 5/2/31  
 米栏 Us 7584765 b2 1/16/28 Vertical inlet Elbow (6569 series)
Bypass 米栏 and Metering System Us 7347219 b2 4/3/26 6410 & 6722
角双止回阀 Us 7185671 b2 7/16/25 712系列双止回阀


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